A question seldom asked but everybody has the answer.
Why do some fail in their marketing endeavors online.
Don't believe everything you read or hear. As someone wanting to learn how to make money, it's around you everywhere, you just don't notice it.
One of the reasons I see is, no unity, every new individuals are grabbing the first thing that comes down the pike because it's free. But most are outdated and they don't have a clue.
I believe one of the usual reasons why people fail online is that they think making money online is easy. When they get faced with challenges such as lack of knowledge about technical stuff say how to setup weblogs (which is not too technical but you don't know how many still find it hard to do), paying for domain name registration and hosting, and posting quality content on their blogs regularly for a long period of time, they walk away with frustration.
Using online marketing as a tool to get leads for your services/products is not a one-click thing. It requires knowledge, resources, and patience.
The reason a lot of people fail is because they firstly fail to plan. They do not sit down and write a business plan. They do not do the required amount of research. And they also do not give their business time to get going and to work.
People fail because of the all those "Make a Million dollars in a month by doing nothing" ads. Those fill peoples heads with so much crap. A lot of people don't take the time to learn some of the most important tools of online marketing. Like a sales letter for instance, people fail because they don't know how to create a sales letter that will stir peoples emotions. What motivates a person to buy is based on their emotions.
A Failure to Plan is a Plan to Fail. Although, this is a massively abused cliché, it is true nonetheless. To achieve success with an online business you must have a strategic plan and must set targets over various time-frames. Get a sheet of paper and a felt tip marker, and write down in bold letters exactly what your objective is: “I Want To Earn Enough This year to Buy a New Dream House”, or “I Want To Leave The Day Job By Christmas”. Stick in a prominent place where you see it every day.
Set targets for your year, each month and each week. Have a daily list of tasks to be completed to enable you to meet these targets. Review your plan and your targets, and make changes to suit progress: IF YOU FALL BEHIND, THEN WORK LONGER HOURS.
I think one of the main reasons people fail is that they don't put enough time into it. Trying to make money is a job, and just like any job, you have to work at it full-time in order to succeed. Many people think that making money online is easy and it therefore won't require more than a couple hours a day, if even that much. In reality, if you are only working a few hours a day you are just doing a part time job and you can't expect to earn that much money from a part time job. It takes a lot of time and hard work to get started in online money making and it takes a long time to build up a passive income before you can start reducing the time you put into it and still make good money.
I think most people fail online because they try to transfer the principles of traditional business into online one. But online business has a lot of peculiarities.
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