ADVERTISING! Advertising is the only thing you need to do to get RICH through affiliate programs. With HUGE traffic flowing to your site everyday, chances of a visitor or ‘potential customer’ will buy your product is definitely higher! Likewise for signing up of downline for MLM (or Internet Marketing which sounds nicer)
Research had been made and it shows that normal affiliates tend to make a sale with a percentage ratio of 0.5% – 1% (Sometime lower, depending on the products/service sold) to visitor. With appropriate advertising method + correct niche market, it is possible to increase the ratio to 5% - 10%. So what actually is advertising? What should you do (advertise)? And where should you place your advertisement to promote your product/service/site?
Online advertising, also known as internet marketing, is a form of communication to inform potential customer about your products and services, either by text base or graphic base. Many of you already know what advertisement is, but they often lack of 2 essential element. Without the 2 elements, putting your advertisement blindly in the internet/website is just a waste of time, as well as money.
First, you need to target your niche market. You must know very well where are the most potential customer located at in the internet. Research has also proven that placing advertisement in the right market with lesser traffic flow EARNS more profit than those who advertise in a site where millions of traffic flows in everyday. Secondly, you need marketing strategies. There are so many types of advertising, which one works the best? Which method cost the least but with the same effect? And also the secrets or legendary of internet market
Below are a few lists of most popular advertising methods and the after effects:
PPC (Pay-Per-Click)
This type of advertising should be your top list of market strategies. There are basically 2 major companies in the PPC industries, Google AdWords and Yahoo! Search Marketing. How does it works? You would ask. PPC is one of the advertising methods where you bid for the keywords or key phase. Your desired keywords might have a higher or lower bidding depending on the popularity. Advertising in Google Adwords is better because Google is the number one search engine used by surfers, especially online shoppers. You ads will appear on Google, Google Directory, Google Groups, Google’s partner sites, etc. The procedure of advertising in Google Adwords is actually also very easy.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
SEO is the process of improving the volume and quality traffic to a web site from search engine. Usually a site that has higher ranking will have more searchers to visit their site
SEO requires some knowledge in the same field. There are a lot of e-books teaches how to make use of SEO and improve your ‘ranking’ in the search engine. There is also 2 ways of doing it, namely ‘white hat’ & ‘black hat’. With ranking of TOP 10 in the search engine, you don’t really have to worry about advertising. You will be seeing HUGE traffic flowing to your site everyday.
Other Advertising methods
There are also other cheap and fast advertising methods like Traffic Exchange, putting up Classified Ads, Safelist, Buying Impression or visitor links and ETC.
Are there any ‘SECRETS’ in internet marketing or advertising? For me, I would say YES! Many Top affiliate earners have their own source of advertising. They often hide their ‘secrets’ so as to prevent the loss of profits. While many affiliates say NO because advertising depends greatly on Targeted Niche Market. Different products or services suits different advertising methods. What they mean was 1) Locate targeted niche market 2) Create text base stunting ads or graphics attraction ads.
In this way, you actually discovered the legend of internet marketing!
Lastly, I bet you have seen this paragraph numbers of times, but I would still like to highlight. Never ever QUIT this industry! (Be it a part time or full part job) If thing doesn’t work out in the way you want to be, AMEND your marketing strategies. If it still fails, I would suggest changing different affiliate program and try everything again. Sooner or later, you will find yourself on the track, without noticing.
If you learn how to do effective Internet marketing the possibilities are endless for the amount of money you can make, and it can be applied to any type of business, especially an affiliate or mlm program.
Have you noticed the people who look for help but they want a quick fix or want someone else to do the work for them? They don't realize that they can be successful if they would put some time and effort into it. They don't realize how long it really takes if they don't have the right leadership and tools and it shouldn't cost them an arm and leg.
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