Thursday, September 1, 2011


External healing is very important. Every herb garden should contain herbs that will help heal external injuries which can include but are not limited to: bruises, cuts, rashes, sore muscles and inflammation. The following are herbs that I use in my herb garden for these things:
*use in creams with an aloe/lanolin/or oil (essential oils or vitamin E oil) base*

1. Aloe (cuts, scrapes, punctures, etc.)
2. Angelica (anti bacterial/fungal properties)
3. Sweet Basil (sore muscles)
4. Calendula Petals (cuts, scrapes, punctures)
5. Chamomile (rashes and dry skin)
6. Yarrow Petals (cuts and burns)
7. Hyssop (burns and bruises)
8. St. John’s Wort (bruises and inflammation)
9. Valerian (rashes)

These are just my opinions. You should do your own research when trying anything on this site.

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