Germaine Greer has once again courted the unnecessary by criticising Michelle Obama and her daughters- Malia and Sasha's attire during one of history’s most memorable moments.
Yes, Germaine Greer has always been known for shooting her mouth off about things so I really shouldn’t be surprised. And I generally enjoy reading her work because even though I don’t always agree with her, she gets me riled up and thinking which is predominantly why I don’t mind writers like her.
However, I remembered reading something she had said a while ago which made this latest harangue of hers quite amusing.
Greer essentially was once heard saying that as long as women remain a slave to current trends, the chains of male dominance would forever bind us. Here is a bit of that piece:
“…Germaine was explaining that there could be no liberation for women, no matter how highly educated, as long as we were required to cram our breasts into bras constructed like mini-Vesuviuses, two stitched white cantilevered cones which bore no resemblance to the female anatomy. The willingly suffered discomfort of the Sixties bra, she opined vigorously, was a hideous symbol of male oppression…” - Professor Lisa Jardine,
Source: Wikipedia
A tad hypocritical perhaps? So, we’re a slave to male oppression if we succumb to fashion, yet if we choose to wear what we like and are comfortable in, we’re then subjected to harsh judgment.
What makes this even more laughable is this spot of ridicule comes from a very vocal, self-proclaimed feminist.
We're damned if we do and we're damned if we don't. Ms Greer seems to have thrown feminism critics quite a delicious hypocritical bone to chew.
And let's not forget these pearlers from the article in The Age- Germaine Greer on describing Michelle Obama and her two daughters’ attire:
On Malia and Shasha.. "Any colour is better than pink, but these robust choices hardly strike one as girly."
On Michelle Obama- “All black with an eye-burning red panel that splattered itself down the front like a geometrical haemorrhage."
So please put aside that Michelle Obama would be the first Africa-American First Lady to grace the halls of the White House. Forget the fact that Barack Obama and his family have inspired millions. Forget how she is a strong woman, not afraid to speak her mind. Forget how she stands by her husband's side so proudly, yet somehow manages not to be as overshadowed as a few of her predecessors. Forget she is educated, intelligent and could prove to be a good role model for women.
No, no. Everyone- instead please look at what she is wearing. Like whatever, that is so like, not hot and not on.