Friday, April 23, 2010

Fa Jing



Monday, April 5, 2010


I found my self browsing the World Wide Web for the most searched topics of the day, and the results left me chuckling in my arm chair.

Here’s the strange top eleven and see if you can see the one that made me laugh out loud.

1. Heather podesta
2. House kutner
3. US debt clock
4. White people stole my car
5. Homicide
6. Greek for all tongues
7. Jasmine fiore playboy photos
8. Shake bake meth recipe
9. Hillsdale high school bomb
10. Michael Jackson homicide
11. Homocide definition

Now there was more than one that caught my eye, like white people stole my car and the rather concerning shake bake meth recipe. But the laughable bit was the lingering smell of death in the searches.

Don’t worry, I'm not a sadistical emo or a black make up wearin Goth but, there was one obvious thing that caught my eye. There is a lot of interest in the who whacked whacko Jacko case.

Hence the morbid search like HOMICIDE and Michael Jackson’s Homicide and the very laughable Homicide definition.

When I first read homicide in at number five I figured that there was a lot of potential mass murderess out there planning there next hit, as there is a lot of drug dealers out there trying to find eight’s Shake bake meth recipe.
But when I read down I realised that there was the more concerning fact that search five was the same search as eleven and they were all a product of the unraveling homicide saga that is search number ten.

This means that the vast majority of people searching Michael Jackson homicide probably didn’t know what it meant until they looked up the word homicide.

So that got me thinking, was there an army of people thinking that Michael Jackson had just been seen with a hommos side dish or maybe that he’d just taking sides with the terrorist network Hamas and had a remix of his great hits,

Don't Stop 'til You Get an infidel, Wanna Be Sparking Somethin and Smooth Terrorist.

Now don’t get me wrong but if you ever needed more proof that  most of the people following Michaels unraveling case are as whacko as their hero then look no further.

Just in case, here you go

Homicide definition.

1. The killing of one human being by another
2. A person who kills another; murderer.

Please, some one homicide me now!!!!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Milkweed is most often considered a nuisance. But, if you are out hiking, lost or hungry and have no food this little weed can become a life saver. It is most recognizable by its fluffy seeds. These are highly flammable and can start a fire with ease, only a small spark is needed. The buds, shoots and tops can be eaten after they have been boiled. They are pleasant in taste and can keep your energy levels up.

These are just my opinions. You should do your own research when trying anything on this site.